Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

We are very pleased that we can finally hold the conference again as an on-site event. Currently, there are no official SARS Cov-2 related restrictions on such events declared by the State of Saxony-Anhalt or the Federal Government (see webpages of the German Federal Government, Robert-Koch Institute and local State Sachsen-Anhalt for details). However, under the impression of the experiences some of us have made at recent scientific conferences, we have decided to implement some precautions to minimize infection risks. We would like to ask you to perform a rapid antigen test, which you will receive at the registration on-site. We will provide further tests in particular for attendees of the conference dinner, the dragon boat race, and the farewell party, since distancing and wearing a mask are not possible during these events. Besides vaccination, distancing and the well-known hygiene measures, we believe that wearing an FFP2 mask with a good fit to the face is the best way to avoid an infection. Even though we will provide FFP2 masks at the meeting, we ask you to bring your own preferred masks that guarantee best wearing comfort. We try to make the conference as safe as possible and hope that - together with your support – you will enjoy the conference and stay healthy.


(Last update: August 24, 2022)